"Love & Compassion Is Our Purpose In Life"

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Act as a Welcome Center

Many Ethiopians arrive in America and do not know where to begin. Our center will act as a one stop place for Ethiopians/Africans seeking to orient themselves with life in the USA. Our center will provide the following services:

Finding Housing
Pairing up with host families
Help in obtaining driver’s license and navigating the complex process of other legal documents
Help in finding employment and employment resources
Act as a liaison with state and federal agencies to provide necessary services
Offer translation services if needed
Help in locating relatives or family acquaintances

Resource Library

A library with Ethiopian books, movies, TV shows, newspapers and magazines will be maintained. The resources can be checked out by members just like the public library. Arrangements will be made with Ethiopian publishers to donate or sell resources to the center at a reduced price. Members should be able to buy certain items from the library if arrangements with venders can be made.

Donation Coordination Center

The Center will act as a drop-off point for clothes, toys, etc. which can either be used by people in need here in the United States. . The center will also use it’s network of members and sponsors to collect items as well as raise the funds needed to transport the items to places where it needed. The following items would be useful:

Computers and laptops
Used school laboratory equipment
Toys and Kids videos
Textbooks (novels, science and literature books)
Sports Coordination Center
The center will coordinate various sports events for both kids and adults. These may include:
Soccer tournaments for youth
Indoor games for winter
Training for various sports


A monthly newsletter will be published and sent to all members. In addition, several copies will be sent to various locations where Ethiopians/Africans frequent. The newsletter will be a good tool to publish upcoming events, as well as highlight important developments about the center.We will also get the word out through our website.
Business Networking
Ethiopian/African owned businesses will be encouraged to join the center’s network of service providers. The center will bring business experts together to mentor and inspire upcoming business owners. Established businesses will benefit from wide exposure and promotion they will receive in the Ethiopian/African community.

Student Connect:

Find a way to connect with Ethiopian/African students; be a resource for them and tap them as volunteers.
Involve local churches in our center’s events and activities.


In order for the center to be viable, it has to be able to raise enough money to cover its operating expenses. The following sources of funds were suggested:
Membership dues: Each member will pay a certain monthly fee. The exact amount will depend on budget and availability of other resources.


Africans and local businesses will be recruited to join as sponsors. Local companies may include schools, banks, and government agencies.
Revenue: The center will be able to generate some revenue from its various activities. The following areas might be tapped for revenue:

Facility rental fee
After school events
Sale of items
Training and Seminars
Advertising in newsletter and other center publications
Volunteers: The center will rely on volunteers to perform most of the tasks. Volunteers will be encouraged to give new ideas.

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